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A new Infrastructure assets Connector software designed to manage and connect all components in a centralized, easy-to-use platform that is sure to enhance productivity and efficiency.


InfraLinker is a modern data center infrastructure assets management solution designed to make managing and tracking your data center assets easier and more efficient. We provide a centralized database that helps eliminate common errors and data leaks associated with traditional methods such as spreadsheets and text documents.

Our intuitive and secure platform allows users to take control of their infrastructure, making it easier to manage and track all their assets. Our primary goal is to help businesses streamline their operations and gain better visibility into their data center infrastructure.

Nos services

01 / Data Accuracy

With a centralized database, all data is stored in one place, reducing the chances of errors and inconsistencies. This ensures that the data is up-to-date, accurate, and readily available to all authorized users.

02 / Increased Productivity

By having all data in one place, users can access the information they need quickly and efficiently. This eliminates the need for manual data entry, freeing up valuable time and resources.

03 / â€‹Better Collaboration

The centralized database allows multiple users to access the same information and collaborate on projects. This enhances collaboration, reducing the likelihood of delays and mistakes.

04 / Enhanced Security

Centralized database offers better security than traditional methods of management. All data is stored in a secure environment, reducing the risk of data loss or theft.

InfraLinker Logo

05 / Scalability

As the needs of your DataCenter change, the centralized database can be scaled to accommodate the growth. This ensures that the system remains relevant and effective, even as the size of the DataCenter expands.

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About InfraLinker

InfraLinker is designed to simplify the complex process of organizing, connecting, and storing data about your datacenter's equipment, including racks, devices, networks, IP addresses, applications, vulnerabilities, external tickets, suppliers, tags, and maintenance contracts. it can boasts a wide range of features that enable you to efficiently manage your datacenter assets. You can easily keep track of each asset's location, status, and maintenance history with the external ticketing system,  making it simple to locate and access equipment when needed.
we offer a comprehensive and user-friendly solution for managing and storing data about your datacenter assets. Whether you're a small startup or a large enterprise, this tool can help you optimize your datacenter operations and ensure that your assets are always operating at peak performance.

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